Prévention de l’itinérance jeunesse (PIJ) : Penser la prévention à partir d’un projet de recherche action participative jeunesse,
Community-Based Research Responding to Crises
Centre for Community-Based Research Canada
Public principal: Grand public
P17 University of Montreal | Presentation | 2025-01-16 | |
Keynote: Youth Homelesness Prevention Forum2nd Youth Homelessness Prevention Forum - Coalition Jeunes+
Québec City
April 29 - May 1, 2024P17 University of Montreal | Presentation | 2024-04-30 | Sue-ann Macdonald, "Melodie Cordeau ", "Mégane Charron ", "Tommy Proulx-Roy ", "Yami Morin " |
First meeting to launch the teamOn June 4th, 2021, we held our first team meeting, bringing together 30 engaged people combining: community partners, youth with lived experience, researchers and students who will be working on the project. We also began the meeting with opening remarks on solidarity and recognizing the relationships that underpin the work. We also set an intention to honour the diversity of knowledge bases (practices, academic, experiential) to develop a made-in-Quebec prevention framework, and a commitment to bring in voices that are currently absent (including indigenous and POC), to broaden our circle. A rollout of activities and next steps was shared.P17 Trent University, University of Montreal | Activity | 2021-06-04 | |
La Nuit des Sans-AbriEvery year around the province - La Nuit des sans-abri takes place. Its like a street festival to raise awareness about homelessness in city parks. We were invited to set up our exhibit and we had hundreds of people circulating or come by to explore our expo at the well-known downtown park of Jardins Gamelin.P17 University of Montreal | Activity | 2024-10-18 | Sue-ann Macdonald, "Yami Morin ", "Tommy Proulx-Roy ", "Mélodie Cordeau ", "Mégane Charron ", "Béatrice Forget " |
S'allier pour la Prévention de l'itinérance jeunesse États Généraux de l'itinérance
(People's summit on homelessness)
Québec City P17 University of Montreal | Presentation | 2024-11-28 | |
Table ronde sur la prevention de l’itinérance jeunesseForum prévention itinérance jeuensse, Caolition Jeunes+, Local
Canada Trois-Rivières
Conférencier invité, Conférencier principalP17 University of Montreal | Presentation | 2021-11-18 | |
Les voix des jeunes. Une réflexion sur des initiatives par, pour et avec des jeunes. Presentation
AIFRIS conference
Brussels, BelgiumP17 University of Montreal | Presentation | 2022-06-21 | |
Making the Prevention Shift in Québec : Prévention Itinérance JeunesseNational Conference on Ending Homelessness
Canada HalifaxP17 University of Montreal | Presentation | 2023-11-09 | |
Prévention de l’itinérance jeunesse : renforcer les liens sociaux pour adoucir le passage à la vie adulteColloque intervolets de la Chaire de Recherche Jeunesse, Local
Canada SherbrookeP17 University of Montreal | Presentation | 2023-09-25 | |
Prévention Itinérance Jeunesse, présentation et atelier.Collectif québécois pour la prévention de l’itinérance, National
Canada Montréal
Conférencier invité, Conférencier principalP17 University of Montreal | Presentation | 2023-05-04 | |
Solidarity and Citizenship: the Missing Pieces of Youth Homelessness Prevention2nd International Conference on Homelessness
Santiago, Chile
January 2025P17 University of Montreal | Presentation | 2025-01-21 | |
« Renverser la balance » : Enjeux et conditions favorables à l’établissement de rapports réciproques dans un contexte de recherche auprès de jeunes ayant un vécu d’itinéranceACFAS 438
Saisir l'itinérance au prisme des ruptures sociales
P17 University of Montreal | Presentation | 2022-05-09 | |